About Us

Our team of approximately 100 employees strives to better manage the price of commodities you produce, consume, trade, or manufacture on a regular basis. We have the experience to customize a fully integrated hedge program that will reduce your exposure to adverse price moves and bring greater control to your commodity output and input pricing.

CIH is the trusted risk management partner for over 1,000 domestic and international entities across the commodity landscape including crop, dairy, swine and beef production, poultry, egg and layer operations, grain merchandisers, ethanol plants, food processors, feed manufacturers, import/export, and financial services companies. Leveraging technology, we take an objective approach to identify and manage the specific price risks unique to each of the operations we work with.

About us Hero Image
About us Hero Image

Risk Management

Clients of varying sizes and experience look to us for all aspects of their price risk management. Our customized, comprehensive service can be tailored to match any company’s needs. All clients receive best in class service and attention with a tailored risk management approach. For less experienced users of risk management tools, our team takes a highly educational approach to empower clients to confidently make consistent, data driven decisions. For more seasoned hedgers, CIH can enhance existing risk management programs with strategy development and position management. Clients and the CIH team use proprietary technology developed over 20 years to simplify and streamline the risk management process.


Educational Excellence

We provide engaging, high-quality educational seminars designed to familiarize participants with market dynamics, hedging concepts and risk management applications. Tailored to specific industry groups, these programs allow attendees to become more comfortable either embarking on a hedging program for the first time or refining existing practices for even the most experienced risk manager with an established program in place.

Appropriate for all knowledge levels, these programs progress from introductory level topics including the role and function of a futures exchange to advanced hedge applications and position management. Besides seminars for commodity producers, processors, and end users, we conduct educational programs for the agricultural lending community focused on topics specific to their interests. We also offer customized, in-house training programs to fit the specific educational needs of your organization. Contact us to learn how we can structure a private program tailored to your group's unique learning objectives.


CPE Credits

CIH is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy as a sponsor of continuing professional education and is pleased to offer CPE credits with all of the educational seminars.


Our Story

Our Story Image

CIH was co-founded in 1999 by current CEO, Perry Iverson, and Gordon Malarkey. Over their combined 25 years in the commodities industry, the company’s co-founders grew increasingly frustrated by the subjective, commission-driven trading that limited agriculture producers’ ability to succeed. Most producers and buyers were not managing profitability or price risk effectively and missing valuable opportunities to protect favorable margins or price levels. Perry and Gordon came to believe that the agricultural community needed a new kind of company, one that armed producers and buyers with a systematic, objective and education-based process for managing risk.

Our education-focused business model and team approach to client service and support has led to long tenure among both clients and employees, helping fuel the company’s growth.

Our Story Image

Meet Our Team

The CIH team is made up of professionals with a broad range of experience and backgrounds, including Fortune 500 company procurement, grain merchandising, livestock marketing, commodity trading and risk management, market analysis, and diversified financial services. While broad agricultural commodity expertise is valuable, we believe our company and our clients benefit immeasurably from our diverse perspectives and approaches to problems.


Perry Iverson, Co-Founder and CEO

Patrick Gregory, President

Mark Fullman, Chief Financial Officer

Jason Block, Chief Technology Officer

David Ward, Executive VP of Client Services

Tim Hughes, Senior VP of Client Services

Michael Moroney, Senior VP of Client Services

Chip Whalen, VP of Education and Research

James Denk, VP of Operations

Brendan Dorais, VP of Business Development

Michael Shawver, VP of Business Development

John Stotts, VP of Solutions

Education and Research

Chip Whalen

Dustin Baker

Michael Liautaud


Lisa Bedford

James Denk

Bill Diaz

Emily Haasl

Andy Hayes

Lindsay Martin

Donald Moy

Patrick Rose

Jill Stefancic

Nicole Wahls

Client Services

Will Barton

Elliot Berzack

Scott Berleth

Austin Blair

Spencer Brown

Brian Callaghan

Paul Clithero

Luke Dorais

Travis Espenhover

Adam Feest

Charley Fetzer

Garrett Fife

Justin Freiberg

Sam Getz

Jon Greteman

Jeff Gricus

Caitlyn Grudzinski

Andrew Hayes

Kevin Henning

Chris Hercules

Eli Hohbach

Ryan Hoyt

Joseph Hrusovsky

Will Huber

Tim Hughes

Ryan Kellermann

Jim Kelley

Eric Laube

Ross Logan

Andrew Lupario

Alex Mack

Bob Molina

Michael Moroney

Mark Newman

Ryan Nord

Dan O’Brien

David O’Donoghue

Josh Pankratz

Doug Prusha

Brett Robinson

Daniel Roque

Drew Rosenkrantz

Mark Rothschild

Craig Schneider

Carter Smith

Kevin Snyder

Spencer Sparks

John Stotts

Jeff Toll

Alain Toscano

Christian Villamil

Ryan Walsh

David Ward

Arturo Zavala

Business Development and Marketing

John Balla

David Baumann

Greg Brandhorst

Tom Brooker

Jake Carney

Cate Clements

Logan Davis

Brendan Dorais

Scott Gerig

Adam Golla

Mona Helgeson

Garrett Iverson

Adam Kohlmann

Michael Shawver

Vickie Sprouse

Tyler Stidham

Julian Viso

John Williams

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