Dairy Risk Management

Backed by our industry leading technology, our experienced Dairy Team specializes in working with clients to customize a risk management plan specific to their unique operation.

  • Identify your risk exposure across milk and feed including corn, soybean meal, and other price correlated feeds

  • Establish protection that aligns with your profitability targets, risk tolerance, and market bias

  • Ability to adjust positions to modify protection or capture gains as prices change over time

Dairy Revenue Protection

  • Designed to insure against unexpected declines in quarterly revenue from milk sales relative to a guaranteed coverage level

  • Expert advice on how to best utilize the program to fit with your needs, goals, and risk tolerance

  • Easy, efficient, and timely execution with powerful software tools for analysis



  • A customized risk management website for your operation hosting robust tools, information, and statistical data, including easy to understand milk and feed market fundamental analysis with clear data visualization

  • Seamless tracking of hedge positions, profitability, and a variety of metrics for improved decision-making

  • Software that allows transparency for partners, family members, bankers, and accountants to assist with profit/ loss forecasts and all milk and feed coverage


Commercial Dairy

We assist with effective price risk management programs (procurement, inventory, fixed price purchases and sales, speculation) that take into consideration your overall market position on net cash, basis, futures, options, and swaps. We offer custom P&L, net delta, risk reporting, portfolio stress testing, and strategy generation tools, along with a library of fundamental information at your fingertips. We also help you manage that cumulative position as the market changes. We’re committed to providing you with the necessary services and tools that add value to your company.


What Our Clients Say About Us

In the videos below, you can hear directly from our clients about how CIH helps agriculture producers gain control over their commodity price risk.

Testimonials are not indicative of future success. Individuals providing testimonials were not compensated.

It shouldn't matter if markets go up or down the next day.

Mike Paustian, Part 1

Paustian Enterprises

February 20, 2020

It's just a really streamlined experience for me.

Mike Paustian, Part 2

Paustian Enterprises

February 20, 2020

That’s one of the things I really appreciate about CIH, they’re not ...

Mike Paustian, Part 3

Paustian Enterprises

February 20, 2020

Having CIH gives me more confidence in executing.

Joe Dykhuis, President

Dykhuis Farms

April 11, 2023

The strategy helps me sleep better.

Ken Qualls, CFO

House of Raeford Farms

February 06, 2018

It’s made my risk management more efficient.

Greg Bell, President

Feedport USA

February 06, 2018

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