July 22, 2023
A Leg Up in Metals Price Risk

Effectively manage price risks, costs and financial planning while nurturing ...

Effectively manage price risks, costs and financial planning while nurturing customer relationships, promoting stakeholder confidence and ensuring compliance. Metals company stakeholders face ...

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July 20, 2023
HRC Futures: Volatility Leads Market Participants to Seek Flexibility

HRC Futures: Volatility Leads Market Participants to Seek Flexibility In ...

HRC Futures: Volatility Leads Market Participants to Seek Flexibility In the past two months, the US Midwest Hot Rolled Coil (HRC) futures market has experienced significant fluctuations. ...

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July 12, 2023

The July WASDE report was bearish relative to trade expectations. The new balance ...

The July WASDE report was bearish relative to trade expectations. The new balance sheets incorporated revisions from the June 30 Acreage and Quarterly Stocks reports. Updated yield, production ...

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June 15, 2023
Hog Margin Management in Commodity Hedging

Swine Margin Management Swine producers have historically focused on managing ...

Swine Margin Management Swine producers have historically focused on managing the risk of profitability through a price-centric approach.  In this way, margin deterioration through eroding ...

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June 12, 2023
LRP Insurance in Commodity Hedging

Livestock Risk Protection Livestock Insurance Policies Livestock producers ...

Livestock Risk Protection Livestock Insurance Policies Livestock producers face tremendous uncertainty in managing their operation. Disease, extreme weather, securing labor, geopolitics, ...

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June 06, 2023
Cattle Risk Management: Commodity Hedging

Cattle Risk Management: Commodity Hedging Cattle producers face many challenges. ...

Cattle Risk Management: Commodity Hedging Cattle producers face many challenges. Chief among these headwinds is managing financial risk with an objective, measured approach as markets change. ...

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June 06, 2023
Commodity Price Risk Management

Commodity Price Risk Management: Commodity Price Risk Exposures Commodity ...

Commodity Price Risk Management: Commodity Price Risk Exposures Commodity buyers have had to manage extreme volatility over the past few years following disruption from the global Covid-19 ...

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June 06, 2023
Dairy Risk Management in Commodity Hedging

Dairy Risk Management In Commodity Hedging There is no doubt that the dairy ...

Dairy Risk Management In Commodity Hedging There is no doubt that the dairy industry has experienced significant volatility in the past five years. Between Covid, global tensions, logistical ...

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June 01, 2023
Weathering the Storm:

Much has been written about the negative outlook for the swine industry and ...

Much has been written about the negative outlook for the swine industry and the extremely depressed returns producers are currently experiencing. By some measures, this is the worst environment ...

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